Frequently Asked Sleep Apnea Questions – Scottsdale, AZ

Answering Your Questions About Your Sleep Disorder

Smiling woman with glasses typing on laptop

Our website offers a lot of helpful information about our sleep apnea services and the quality of the care we offer. Nevertheless, there might still be a few questions on your mind, and we’re ready to answer them! This page includes responses to a lot of queries that we often hear. Of course, we encourage you to reach out to us if there’s anything you want to ask our team directly.

Do I need to be diagnosed with sleep apnea before getting an oral appliance?

Technically, you can get an oral appliance for sleep apnea at the store or online without being diagnosed first. However, these generic products don’t always produce the best results since they aren’t customized. To get a high-quality personalized oral appliance from GoTo Sleep Center - Scottsdale, you need to get a diagnosis first; visit our sleep testing page to learn more.

What is the cost of oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea?

There’s no one answer to this question that will apply to every patient. There are different types of oral appliances that each come at a different price, and the patient’s medical insurance coverage has to be considered as well. We have experience working with multiple insurance providers (including Medicare), and we make sure our patients are aware of how they can maximize their available benefits.

How long does getting a sleep appliance take?

Between the diagnostic process, the appointment to have a treatment plan created, the crafting of the device, and the final fitting, it will normally take a few weeks before you’ll be ready to start wearing your oral appliance. Also, you should expect to come back to our office for periodic follow-up visits so that we can confirm that your appliance is working as intended.

Will dental insurance cover a sleep appliance?

Even though oral appliances are typically provided by dentists, sleep apnea is classified as a medical problem rather than a dental one. As such, your appliance will most likely be covered by medical insurance rather than by dental insurance. If you find yourself confused by your coverage, our team will be happy to review your policy with you.

Can I schedule a free consultation?

Yes! If you click this link, you can set up a free consultation at our Scottsdale sleep apnea office. During your initial visit, we will ask about your symptoms and put together a personalized treatment plan. If you have dental insurance, we’ll go over the details of your policy; we’ll also take the time to thoroughly explain the financial aspect of your care to ensure that you understand the costs involved.

If I’m already using CPAP, should I switch to an oral appliance?

Oral appliance therapy is the preferable option for many patients, but each case is unique. If you’re able to tolerate your CPAP machine and are happy with the results, there’s likely no need to switch to an oral appliance. Additionally, if your sleep apnea symptoms are severe, CPAP may be your only viable treatment option. On the other hand, if you find CPAP uncomfortable to the point that you avoid using your machine, or if you’re unsatisfied with the results it’s giving you, then oral appliance therapy is definitely worth considering.